Operations Content

Welcome to the Operations section of the CoolPlanet blog, your hub for the latest insights on decarbonisation and energy efficiency tailored for professionals in operations.

A Masterclass in Reducing Scope 1 and 2 Emissions in Manufacturing


A Masterclass in Reducing Scope 1 and 2 Emissions in Manufacturing

This masterclass offers a roadmap to achieving significant emissions reductions through practical and innovative engineering approaches.

 Optimising Energy Management with ISO 50001


Optimising Energy Management with ISO 50001

Designed for asset owners, operators, and plant managers, this session offers practical insights into applying ISO 50001 standards.

Reducing Carbon Emissions in Food & Drink Processing


Reducing Carbon Emissions in Food & Drink Processing

In this masterclass, we learn how the food and drink industry is moving towards net zero with real-world case studies.

Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 for Energy Management


Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 for Energy Management

Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management

10 Crucial Insights into ISO 50001 & Energy Management Systems


10 Crucial Insights into ISO 50001 & Energy Management Systems

Any organisation with large energy consumption patterns interested in reducing energy costs and its carbon footprint will benefit from seeking ISO 50001 certification.

Decarbonising the Built Environment


Decarbonising the Built Environment

Real Estate is changing! The way in which buildings are owned and operated must adapt to new demands and expectations.

The Power of Biomass Boilers in decarbonising Industrial Plants


The Power of Biomass Boilers in decarbonising Industrial Plants

Switching to biomass boilers offers significant advantages, especially when trying to decarbonise industrial manufacturing and processing plants.

SASB: What it is and what you need to start reporting


SASB: What it is and what you need to start reporting

What do you need to know about the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and its standards? We break it down for you here.

Understanding SECR reporting: Breaking down the framework


Understanding SECR reporting: Breaking down the framework

What do you need to know about the Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting (SECR) framework and how do you comply with reporting requirements?

Demand Side Response Explained


Demand Side Response Explained

Demand side response, plays an important part in grid operation by lowering or adjusting their power consumption during peak times.

How Energy Brokers can Support Your Business


How Energy Brokers can Support Your Business

Energy brokers not only help in locating the greatest solution for your energy requirements but also assess your energy consumption to ensure you're on the best plan.

Transforming Facilities in Commercial Property Management


Transforming Facilities in Commercial Property Management

The commercial property management sector is undergoing rapid transformation, and the role of facility management is also evolving to meet new demands and challenges.

Unlocking Energy Efficiency for UK Manufacturers


Unlocking Energy Efficiency for UK Manufacturers

A significant energy issue is currently affecting various sectors in the UK, with manufacturing being particularly impacted. In this blog post, we will examine the issue.

How 1% Performance Improvements Lead to Dramatic Gains


How 1% Performance Improvements Lead to Dramatic Gains

In CoolPlanetOS, we can quickly build dashboards that tell the story of performance, and create watchers that will alert you to deviations that threaten savings.

Demand Response Programmes: 9 Reasons to Participate


Demand Response Programmes: 9 Reasons to Participate

Demand response works on the premise that if your company decreases its energy use during peak demand periods, you will be compensated depending on how much you cut.

ISO 50001 - Is it Really Worth the Bureaucracy?


ISO 50001 - Is it Really Worth the Bureaucracy?

In this blog post, we examine ISO 50001, and question whether it’s worth the bureaucracy.

Energy Modelling 101: What is it and why do companies need it


Energy Modelling 101: What is it and why do companies need it

The goal of energy modelling is to provide insights into how a process is using energy and how that pattern might change if you make changes to the process.

 Electrification of Heat - Multi-Effect Evaporators


Electrification of Heat - Multi-Effect Evaporators

Take a deep dive into the options for electrifying heat processes: look at multi-effect evaporators and heat pumps and how combining them with CHP can be beneficial.

3 Steps to efficient refrigeration systems


3 Steps to efficient refrigeration systems

Our guide to more efficient refrigeration systems in your brewery

3 steps to processing heaven


3 steps to processing heaven

You may be leaving millions of dollars on the table through inefficiencies. The good news? Up to 30% of these losses can be quickly and easily reclaimed with minimal capex.

A masterclass in demand response


A masterclass in demand response

Discover how demand response works and how it can effect significant change in the Irish energy market.

The €200 million Ukraine Enterprise Crisis Scheme Explained


The €200 million Ukraine Enterprise Crisis Scheme Explained

The scheme is to help companies that are surviving but struggling due as a consequences of the conflict in Ukraine, along with rising energy prices.

How to Choose the Right Commercial LED Lighting for Your Business


How to Choose the Right Commercial LED Lighting for Your Business

When choosing commercial LED lighting, there are many factors to consider. Learn about these important considerations when selecting commercial lighting for your business.

Energy management innovations in the food and beverage industry


Energy management innovations in the food and beverage industry

Do you work in the food & beverage industry? This masterclass dives into the energy management innovations you should know.

Your Ultimate Guide to ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme)


Your Ultimate Guide to ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme)

Learn what the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is, who it applies to and what the benefits are.