Food and Beverage Industry Content

Browse our in-depth Food and Beverage Industry resources, where we serve up the latest energy efficiency guidance for those tasked with crafting a greener culinary landscape.

Reducing Carbon Emissions in Food & Drink Processing


Reducing Carbon Emissions in Food & Drink Processing

In this masterclass, we learn how the food and drink industry is moving towards net zero with real-world case studies.

The Power of Biomass Boilers in decarbonising Industrial Plants


The Power of Biomass Boilers in decarbonising Industrial Plants

Switching to biomass boilers offers significant advantages, especially when trying to decarbonise industrial manufacturing and processing plants.

Understanding SECR reporting: Breaking down the framework


Understanding SECR reporting: Breaking down the framework

What do you need to know about the Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting (SECR) framework and how do you comply with reporting requirements?

Unlocking Energy Efficiency for UK Manufacturers


Unlocking Energy Efficiency for UK Manufacturers

A significant energy issue is currently affecting various sectors in the UK, with manufacturing being particularly impacted. In this blog post, we will examine the issue.

Energy Optimisation Solutions for your Business


Energy Optimisation Solutions for your Business

Energy optimisation solutions which can significantly lower your bills. There are several ways to be more conscious of your consumption and prevent unnecessary spending.

A More Efficient Boiler in 10 steps


A More Efficient Boiler in 10 steps

An efficient boiler is often overlooked in terms of maintenance and performance. As a result, boilers are an easy place for businesses to save money.

Energy Efficiency in the Food and Beverage Industry


Energy Efficiency in the Food and Beverage Industry

Pressure on food and beverage companies to minimise waste and optimise resources has never been greater. In this blog post we explore ways to improve energy efficiency.

 Electrification of Heat - Multi-Effect Evaporators


Electrification of Heat - Multi-Effect Evaporators

Take a deep dive into the options for electrifying heat processes: look at multi-effect evaporators and heat pumps and how combining them with CHP can be beneficial.

3 Steps to efficient refrigeration systems


3 Steps to efficient refrigeration systems

Our guide to more efficient refrigeration systems in your brewery

3 steps to processing heaven


3 steps to processing heaven

You may be leaving millions of dollars on the table through inefficiencies. The good news? Up to 30% of these losses can be quickly and easily reclaimed with minimal capex.

Energy management innovations in the food and beverage industry


Energy management innovations in the food and beverage industry

Do you work in the food & beverage industry? This masterclass dives into the energy management innovations you should know.

5 ways to save money on your refrigeration systems


5 ways to save money on your refrigeration systems

The good news? Refrigeration systems can be optimised for significant savings with little capex.

How Biomass Energy Saves You Money and Reduces Your Carbon Footprint


How Biomass Energy Saves You Money and Reduces Your Carbon Footprint

Learn how biomass energy can save you money and reduce your carbon footprint with this overview.

Using Data to Drive Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing


Using Data to Drive Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing

Continuous improvement may include initiatives like: effective use of water, reducing energy, improving process, increasing productivity, and lowering manufacturing costs.