Engineering projectsSolar energy

Power your factory with free renewable energy

Secure your future energy supply with solar.

  • Lower carbon emissions and energy bills
  • Mitigate risks from rising energy prices
  • Improve energy resilience and green credentials

Trusted by global brands to deliver solar solutions

Earth is bathed in 173,000tw of solar energy at any moment. 10,000 times more energy than we consume*

Longi™ 450w Solar Panels
Longi™ 450w Solar Panels

Reduce emissions and meet your financial objectives


Monitor in Real Time

CoolPlanetOS can track performance, warn of maintenance, generate projections, and highlight CO2 offsets.


Save on Cost

Solar panels generate free, green electricity during daytime hours that can be used on site, lowering your energy bills and demand for energy from the grid.


Lower Carbon Emissions

Generating your own solar energy will significantly reduce your carbon footprint and increase your company’s green credentials.


Lower Investment Risk

Solar PV is a reliable and safe investment that provides returns exceeding those of traditional low-risk financial products. Any surplus power can be sold to the grid.


Secure your Energy

With the grid often struggling to generate to meet the country’s growing energy demands, independent solar installations are an excellent backup measure.


Increase Financial Stability

With energy prices on the rise, commercial solar panels allow you to effectively forward buy your electricity at a set price, making financial forecasting much easier.

End-to-end decarbonisation

Get help from procurement to installation and beyond

Whether you are looking to cut energy costs, reduce carbon emissions or secure your future energy supply, we offer expert commercial solar installations with the addition of performance monitoring technology to generate projections and highlight CO2 offsets.

  • Choosing the right solar PV system for your needs
  • Managing complete system design
  • Implementing installation to the highest safety standards
  • Real-time monitoring with CoolPlanetOS

CoolPlanet Solar in action

Generating 40% self-sufficiency with solar for Hibernia Steel

Case Study

Generating 40% self-sufficiency with solar for Hibernia Steel

Hibernia Steel is a wholesale steel distributor to the construction industry based in Ireland. The company uses 200 megawatt hours of electricity per year - 40% is now solar.

Hibernia Steel Manufacturing

Lowering a multinational pharma site's scope 1 emissions by 78%

Case Study

Lowering a multinational pharma site's scope 1 emissions by 78%

A multinational pharmaceutical company listed on the New York Stock Exchange tasked CoolPlanet with helping to decarbonise one of its global sites.



Solar Farms - Everything You Need to Know


Solar Farms - Everything You Need to Know

In Ireland and the UK, solar farms are becoming more popular as the cost of electricity continues to rise.

Commercial Battery Storage for Solar


Commercial Battery Storage for Solar

Commercial battery storage provides an alternative to grid electricity when there is excess renewable power available.