How CoolPlanet is helping Bulmers target a 42% reduction in Scope 1 emissions

Posted in Food and beverages

How CoolPlanet is helping Bulmers target a 42% reduction in Scope 1 emissions

Beverage manufacturer C&C Group announced a commitment to accelerate the reduction of its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The company behind leading Irish cider brand Bulmers is working with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 35%, and Scope 3 emissions by 25% by 2030.

It is aiming to be a carbon-neutral business by 2050 at the latest. To accelerate GHG emission reductions, C&C Group has contracted CoolPlanet to significantly decarbonise their Clonmel (Bulmers) site's scope 1 carbon emissions.

Identifying carbon reduction opportunities with Decarbonisation Software

Using their energy management software CoolPlanetOS, CoolPlanet identified a number of opportunities that will deliver a 42% reduction scope 1 emissions at the Bulmers manufacturing facility before the end of 2023.

This will provide at least 1,882 tonnes CO2 equivalent of scope 1 carbon dioxide emissions reduction, equivalent to carbon sequestered by 2,227 acres of forests in one year.

As of August 2022, 100% of the electricity used in the Bulmers manufacturing facility is provided by renewable sources. C&C Group has installed Ireland's largest rooftop solar farm providing 10% of the facility’s electricity requirements while reducing carbon emissions by 4% and saving 286,746kg of CO2 per year and almost 10 million kgs over the next 20 years.

High pressure and temperature heat pump will deliver results

As a beverage production facility, the Clonmel site uses thermal energy at a range of temperatures in many processes from pasteurisation to cleaning. As such solutions that can deliver significant gas consumption reductions for high-temperature heat users without increasing the cost base of the facility can be challenging to deliver.

However, using the deep insight into the site processes that CoolPlanetOS delivered, CoolPlanet was able to propose a number of solutions to deliver this ambitious carbon reduction.

Apart from optimisation of existing site steam generation and distribution processes a key opportunity identified was an innovative project to recycle and "pump" waste heat available from cooling the beverages at certain stages in the process. This heat will be reused in the beverage pasteurisation process, using a high-pressure and temperature heat pump.

"This innovative design will reduce onsite carbon emissions by up to 50%, thus significantly impacting our overall group sustainability targets, and it will materially reduce site natural gas dependency in these uncertain times" - Martin Doogan, C&C Group Head of Engineering

CoolPlanet CEO Alan Keogh said the two companies have developed a close working relationship which has facilitated the development of effective decarbonisation opportunities and projects are surfaced and implemented.

He said climate change is one of the most important concerns we face today. “It’s great to see companies like C&C Group stepping up to help solve the global challenge that is climate change, investing in long-term green initiatives to reduce carbon emissions.”

CoolPlanet can help you decarbonise

We can provide you with decarbonisation software CoolPlanetOS and our engineering team can assist you in identifying and implementing carbon reduction solutions. 

Schedule a call with one of our energy experts today to discuss more.