Engineering Content

Welcome to our Engineering resources section, your source for decarbonisation and energy efficiency insights, crafted for engineers tasked with shaping a greener future.

A Masterclass in Reducing Scope 1 and 2 Emissions in Manufacturing


A Masterclass in Reducing Scope 1 and 2 Emissions in Manufacturing

This masterclass offers a roadmap to achieving significant emissions reductions through practical and innovative engineering approaches.

A Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Heat Pump Technology


A Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Heat Pump Technology

Industrial heat pumps can use renewable energy from the air, water or ground but also waste energy from buildings and processes to provide you with heating and cooling.

Harnessing Data for Energy Efficiency


Harnessing Data for Energy Efficiency

Delve into the nuances of using data effectively for asset owners, operators, and plant managers, aiming to optimize energy efficiency in various industries.

Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 for Energy Management


Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 for Energy Management

Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management

10 Crucial Insights into ISO 50001 & Energy Management Systems


10 Crucial Insights into ISO 50001 & Energy Management Systems

Any organisation with large energy consumption patterns interested in reducing energy costs and its carbon footprint will benefit from seeking ISO 50001 certification.

Engineering projects for decarbonisation


Engineering projects for decarbonisation

This masterclass focuses on our experience of the design process from start to finish of delivering decarbonisation solutions.

Commercial Battery Storage for Solar


Commercial Battery Storage for Solar

Commercial battery storage provides an alternative to grid electricity when there is excess renewable power available.

Valve Bag Insulation: Why You Should Consider It


Valve Bag Insulation: Why You Should Consider It

Insulation is a simple concept. It's low-tech, easy to employ, and a significant ROI can be achieved.

A More Efficient Boiler in 10 steps


A More Efficient Boiler in 10 steps

An efficient boiler is often overlooked in terms of maintenance and performance. As a result, boilers are an easy place for businesses to save money.

Energy Efficiency in the Food and Beverage Industry


Energy Efficiency in the Food and Beverage Industry

Pressure on food and beverage companies to minimise waste and optimise resources has never been greater. In this blog post we explore ways to improve energy efficiency.

Energy management strategies to hit emissions reduction targets


Energy management strategies to hit emissions reduction targets

Commercial buildings are full of hidden energy and emissions savings that can be uncovered with the right analysis.

5 ways to save money on your refrigeration systems


5 ways to save money on your refrigeration systems

The good news? Refrigeration systems can be optimised for significant savings with little capex.

How to optimize biomass boiler performance with continuous fuel analysis


How to optimize biomass boiler performance with continuous fuel analysis

Fuel specification and the ongoing studying of fuel is essential for optimizing efficiencies and reducing operational costs of a biomass boiler.

Heat Pumps in Ireland - The Facts


Heat Pumps in Ireland - The Facts

Get the facts on industrial heat pumps in Ireland before buying one!

How Biomass Energy Saves You Money and Reduces Your Carbon Footprint


How Biomass Energy Saves You Money and Reduces Your Carbon Footprint

Learn how biomass energy can save you money and reduce your carbon footprint with this overview.

Using Data to Drive Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing


Using Data to Drive Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing

Continuous improvement may include initiatives like: effective use of water, reducing energy, improving process, increasing productivity, and lowering manufacturing costs.

4 Ways Distilleries Can Reduce Energy Consumption


4 Ways Distilleries Can Reduce Energy Consumption

Distilling is a high-energy-consuming industry. As a result of improved efficiency, distillers may significantly lower their carbon footprint and power expenditures.

3 Steps to Energy Efficient Refrigeration in Brewing


3 Steps to Energy Efficient Refrigeration in Brewing

Refrigeration typically accounts for 35-50% of energy costs in brewing. Here are three ways to energy refrigeration systems and achieve energy savings.

3 Myths About Optimising Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


3 Myths About Optimising Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Businesses are required to meet ever-changing goals in the face of a quickly transforming energy economy. Here are some misconceptions concerning pharma optimisation.

Is compressed air compressing your bottom line?


Is compressed air compressing your bottom line?

There are plenty of opportunities to maximise efficiency and save energy (and money). Here are 5 things we think should be at the top of your list for the next steps:

Energy Efficiency in Pharma: Driving Sustainability


Energy Efficiency in Pharma: Driving Sustainability

The pharma industry consumes a significant amount of energy. The only way to ever have a impact on energy savings is to optimise these processes.

6 Steps to Energy Optimisation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


6 Steps to Energy Optimisation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Pharmaceutical businesses all across the world are simply listening to their machines to shift their focus from how much to create to how to produce.

A deep dive into industrial heat pumps


A deep dive into industrial heat pumps

In this masterclass, you will learn how to save money, reduce costs and reduce your fossil fuel use with heat pumps.

Furnace efficiency in glass container production


Furnace efficiency in glass container production

As the furnace is the largest energy consumer on a glass production site, understanding their performance and where to optimise is critical for reducing carbon emissions.