
Decarbonising Pharma and Medical Devices

There’s no room for cutting corners in your industry. It’s no wonder you feel the pressure while balancing costs, quality and profitability.

  • Cut carbon emissions across all your sites
  • Get instant alerts from every cog in your process
  • Prioritise and implement decarbonisation with confidence

Over 70% of all healthcare emissions stem primarily from supply chains.*


Lower pharmaceutical emissions and energy costs

Find hidden savings in real-time. Get help planning and implementing a net zero roadmap fit for the complex nature of your organisation.



Reduce your demand for energy and carbon through more efficient operations with pinpoint accuracy.

Get reporting, alerts and real-time insights at a granular level.

See what's working and what can be improved immediately. Prioritise and respond at maximum speed to reduce energy wastage while improving your bottom line.

While working with Daniel Moroney and CoolPlanet, we have been able to uncover insights on energy and water waste.Edward Kelly Facilities and sustainability leader, GE Healthcare


De-risk your decarbonisation plans

Roadmap your journey to net zero at speed without jeopardising standards.

Build a plan based on real data, expertise and insights from experts with a background in pharma and medical devices.



Save and reuse your water

Your company has strict rules about how water is treated.

Some of what you are losing as ‘wastewater' is likely cleaner than it was before you processed it.

Granular, precise data can help you fix and maintain a more sustainable roadmap to gain green points and save on costs.

Working with CoolPlanet, we have made significant energy and carbon emissions savings in Louis Dreyfus Company’s (LDC) Ponta Grossa plant, in Brazil.

Meinrad Bürer Global Carbon Technical Director, Louis Dreyfus Company

From the blog

A round up of our best masterclasses on decarbonisation from 2023


A round up of our best masterclasses on decarbonisation from 2023

A round up of our best masterclasses on decarbonisation from 2023

Customer success stories

See how CoolPlanet clients are overcoming their biggest decarbonisation challenges with help from our experts.

Lowering a multinational pharma site's scope 1 emissions by 78%

Case Study

Lowering a multinational pharma site's scope 1 emissions by 78%

A multinational pharmaceutical company listed on the New York Stock Exchange tasked CoolPlanet with helping to decarbonise one of its global sites.


How a pharma plant is earning almost €200k p.a. from its energy assets

Case Study

How a pharma plant is earning almost €200k p.a. from its energy assets

This case study is based on a pharmaceutical company in the Republic of Ireland that earned €163,216 per year through DS3 earnings and €25,824 per year through DSU earnings.
