Pharmaceuticals Industry Content

Welcome to the Pharmaceuticals Industry section of the CoolPlanet blog, your prescription for sustainability in a sector dedicated to health and innovation

The Power of Biomass Boilers in decarbonising Industrial Plants


The Power of Biomass Boilers in decarbonising Industrial Plants

Switching to biomass boilers offers significant advantages, especially when trying to decarbonise industrial manufacturing and processing plants.

Delivering Decarbonisation at Scale for Pharmaceuticals


Delivering Decarbonisation at Scale for Pharmaceuticals

Learn how pharmaceutical companies can align scalable decarbonisation with profit-making strategies.

Unlocking Energy Efficiency for UK Manufacturers


Unlocking Energy Efficiency for UK Manufacturers

A significant energy issue is currently affecting various sectors in the UK, with manufacturing being particularly impacted. In this blog post, we will examine the issue.

Energy Optimisation Solutions for your Business


Energy Optimisation Solutions for your Business

Energy optimisation solutions which can significantly lower your bills. There are several ways to be more conscious of your consumption and prevent unnecessary spending.

Demand Response Programmes: 9 Reasons to Participate


Demand Response Programmes: 9 Reasons to Participate

Demand response works on the premise that if your company decreases its energy use during peak demand periods, you will be compensated depending on how much you cut.

Solar Farms - Everything You Need to Know


Solar Farms - Everything You Need to Know

In Ireland and the UK, solar farms are becoming more popular as the cost of electricity continues to rise.

Heat Pumps in Ireland - The Facts


Heat Pumps in Ireland - The Facts

Get the facts on industrial heat pumps in Ireland before buying one!

Using Data to Drive Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing


Using Data to Drive Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing

Continuous improvement may include initiatives like: effective use of water, reducing energy, improving process, increasing productivity, and lowering manufacturing costs.

3 ways to optimise energy efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


3 ways to optimise energy efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Pharma is an industry of excess. On one hand, you have obscenely high prices, and on the other hand, there’s obscenely high costs. Optimise, don’t compromise.

3 Myths About Optimising Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


3 Myths About Optimising Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Businesses are required to meet ever-changing goals in the face of a quickly transforming energy economy. Here are some misconceptions concerning pharma optimisation.

Energy Efficiency in Pharma: Driving Sustainability


Energy Efficiency in Pharma: Driving Sustainability

The pharma industry consumes a significant amount of energy. The only way to ever have a impact on energy savings is to optimise these processes.

6 Steps to Energy Optimisation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


6 Steps to Energy Optimisation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Pharmaceutical businesses all across the world are simply listening to their machines to shift their focus from how much to create to how to produce.

A deep dive into industrial heat pumps


A deep dive into industrial heat pumps

In this masterclass, you will learn how to save money, reduce costs and reduce your fossil fuel use with heat pumps.