Decarbonisation insights from CoolPlanet

Browse the CoolPlanet articles, where we share our latest thoughts on decarbonisation and energy efficiency.

A round up of our best masterclasses on decarbonisation from 2023


A round up of our best masterclasses on decarbonisation from 2023

A round up of our best masterclasses on decarbonisation from 2023

Tackling Supply Chain Emissions: A Deep Dive into Scope 3


Tackling Supply Chain Emissions: A Deep Dive into Scope 3

Your supply chain emissions are blowing up your carbon reduction targets. Here’s how to address them.

CCS meaning: Quick guide to carbon capture and storage


CCS meaning: Quick guide to carbon capture and storage

CCS Meaning: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology has the potential to store carbon before it ever enters the atmosphere; here it is explained.

Sustainable shipping: Navigating the Tides of New Regulation


Sustainable shipping: Navigating the Tides of New Regulation

This blog article explains the intricate web of shipping regulations, their nuances, and their implications for creating a more sustainable shipping industry.

EU CSRD: Advancing Compliance


EU CSRD: Advancing Compliance

The EU CSRD will lay the groundwork for sustainability reporting standards at global level This article explains its key points and will help your business get ready.

Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 for Energy Management


Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 for Energy Management

Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management

10 Crucial Insights into ISO 50001 & Energy Management Systems


10 Crucial Insights into ISO 50001 & Energy Management Systems

Any organisation with large energy consumption patterns interested in reducing energy costs and its carbon footprint will benefit from seeking ISO 50001 certification.

What is Decarbonisation: A Guide for Everyone in the Company


What is Decarbonisation: A Guide for Everyone in the Company

You’ll need buy-in from all levels to implement clean energy sources and accelerate savings. Here’s how to get started with decarbonisation and what it means for every role.

The Power of Biomass Boilers in decarbonising Industrial Plants


The Power of Biomass Boilers in decarbonising Industrial Plants

Switching to biomass boilers offers significant advantages, especially when trying to decarbonise industrial manufacturing and processing plants.

SASB: What it is and what you need to start reporting


SASB: What it is and what you need to start reporting

What do you need to know about the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and its standards? We break it down for you here.

Unveiling the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)


Unveiling the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

How did the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) come about and what information has to be disclosed?

Understanding SECR reporting: Breaking down the framework


Understanding SECR reporting: Breaking down the framework

What do you need to know about the Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting (SECR) framework and how do you comply with reporting requirements?

Demand Side Response Explained


Demand Side Response Explained

Demand side response, plays an important part in grid operation by lowering or adjusting their power consumption during peak times.

Commercial Battery Storage for Solar


Commercial Battery Storage for Solar

Commercial battery storage provides an alternative to grid electricity when there is excess renewable power available.

How Energy Brokers can Support Your Business


How Energy Brokers can Support Your Business

Energy brokers not only help in locating the greatest solution for your energy requirements but also assess your energy consumption to ensure you're on the best plan.

Transforming Facilities in Commercial Property Management


Transforming Facilities in Commercial Property Management

The commercial property management sector is undergoing rapid transformation, and the role of facility management is also evolving to meet new demands and challenges.

Unlocking Energy Efficiency for UK Manufacturers


Unlocking Energy Efficiency for UK Manufacturers

A significant energy issue is currently affecting various sectors in the UK, with manufacturing being particularly impacted. In this blog post, we will examine the issue.

Top 5: Most impactful actions your organisation can take for Earth Day


Top 5: Most impactful actions your organisation can take for Earth Day

Hit your decarbonisation targets with accurate, real-time insights. Make your goals a reality with industry expert consulting through to implementation

How 1% Performance Improvements Lead to Dramatic Gains


How 1% Performance Improvements Lead to Dramatic Gains

In CoolPlanetOS, we can quickly build dashboards that tell the story of performance, and create watchers that will alert you to deviations that threaten savings.

Valve Bag Insulation: Why You Should Consider It


Valve Bag Insulation: Why You Should Consider It

Insulation is a simple concept. It's low-tech, easy to employ, and a significant ROI can be achieved.

Energy Optimisation Solutions for your Business


Energy Optimisation Solutions for your Business

Energy optimisation solutions which can significantly lower your bills. There are several ways to be more conscious of your consumption and prevent unnecessary spending.

Demand Response Programmes: 9 Reasons to Participate


Demand Response Programmes: 9 Reasons to Participate

Demand response works on the premise that if your company decreases its energy use during peak demand periods, you will be compensated depending on how much you cut.

ISO 50001 - Is it Really Worth the Bureaucracy?


ISO 50001 - Is it Really Worth the Bureaucracy?

In this blog post, we examine ISO 50001, and question whether it’s worth the bureaucracy.

A More Efficient Boiler in 10 steps


A More Efficient Boiler in 10 steps

An efficient boiler is often overlooked in terms of maintenance and performance. As a result, boilers are an easy place for businesses to save money.

Energy Modelling 101: What is it and why do companies need it


Energy Modelling 101: What is it and why do companies need it

The goal of energy modelling is to provide insights into how a process is using energy and how that pattern might change if you make changes to the process.

Energy Efficiency in the Food and Beverage Industry


Energy Efficiency in the Food and Beverage Industry

Pressure on food and beverage companies to minimise waste and optimise resources has never been greater. In this blog post we explore ways to improve energy efficiency.