Overcoming Roadblocks when implementing ISO 50001 for Energy Management

Posted in on Aug 23 2023, by Fiona SextonFiona Sexton

ISO50001 and energy management

ISO 50001, the global standard for energy management, offers a solid framework for organisations to boost energy efficiency, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and significantly reduce energy expenses. The advantages are clear, but implementing it within multinational, intricate business setups can be extremely challenging. But it does not have to be such a headache. In this blog, we'll delve into the typical roadblocks energy teams and operations directors typically encounter when rolling out ISO 50001 in large and complex organisations.

Organisational complexity affects energy management

Large plants or operations can consist of numerous departments, facilities, and geographically dispersed sites. Efficient energy management in such complex settings can seem like a herculean task.

First off, energy teams must work to ensure that everyone is aligned with the ISO 50001 requirements and that all relevant areas of the organisation are involved in the implementation process. Energy teams need to meticulously ensure that ISO 50001 requirements are fully understood and that every relevant team and function actively participates in the implementation journey.

Resources and partnering with energy management experts

Effective ISO 50001 implementation requires dedicated resources, including appropriately skilled personnel, time, and budget. Allocating all of these resources can be challenging, as competing priorities and constraints arise. But leaders must recognise the importance of energy management and commit enough resources to support the process. This typically involves training staff with relevant qualifications and working with a partner to bring in expertise to guide you along your journey. We'll talk about how CoolPlanet can help you in a bit!

Roll of data management and monitoring in energy management

Gathering, managing, and analysing energy data across a multitude of sites and systems can be a logistical nightmare. You must establish robust data management processes and invest in an energy management software platform to ensure accurate data collection and analysis. The data is essential for identifying energy-saving opportunities and tracking progress. CoolPlanet’s world class energy management platform, CoolPlanetOS, acts as a centralised hub for collecting, monitoring and presenting data in real-time dashboards. Our powerful technology will simplify data analysis and decision-making, and streamline the ISO 50001 documentation process. It also provides powerful measurement and verification tools to showcase potential savings.

Change management and employee engagement

Rallying employees of every rank into the energy management fold can pose challenges. Understanding the significance of ISO 50001 may not always be crystal clear to everyone, and some may resist changes in their work routines. Creating the right cross functional energy team is one of the most important steps. Assigning clear roles and responsibilities. It is important to involve all staff that may have an impact on or be impacted by the energy plan. Effective communication and training are crucial to gaining buy-in and fostering a culture of energy efficiency.

Regulatory compliance simplified

Corporations with a large global footprint often face a web of energy-related rules and standards (like ESOS, EED, and EU CSRD). Complying with these national and international regulations can get pretty complicated. That's where ISO 50001 comes to the rescue. These regulations require rigorous energy audits, reporting, and sustainability disclosures, which can be quite challenging. ISO 50001 provides a robust framework to help navigate this complexity seamlessly. Also, powerful energy management software such as CoolPlanetOS can streamline reporting, demonstrate improved energy performance and reductions in emissions over time, and ensure you are ready for audits.

Integration with existing systems

Many large organisations already have established management systems, such as ISO 9001 (quality management) or ISO 14001 (environmental management). Integrating ISO 50001 with existing systems is not mandatory but it does provide advantages:

  • Efficiency: It streamlines processes, making resource allocation more efficient.
  • Synergy: identifies connections between energy, quality, and environmental management, promoting a holistic approach.
  • Resource optimisation: prevents duplicating efforts and resources.
  • Reporting: generates comprehensive reports covering sustainability efforts.
  • Sustainability goals: aligns energy management with broader sustainability objectives.
  • Regulatory compliance: simplifies compliance with multiple requirements.

The choice to integrate depends on your organisation's goals, resources, and needs.

Long-term commitment

Achieving ISO 50001 certification is just the beginning. Continuously improving how your business manages its energy is vitally important. It means the company keeps finding better ways to use energy and save money. This isn't just about getting ISO 50001 certification once; it's about always working to use energy wisely. It needs the support of leadership and a focus on long-term energy efficiency. Think of it as an ongoing journey, not a one-time thing, towards sustainable energy management.

How can CoolPlanet help you

CoolPlanet is a global business, home to a team of seasoned environmental engineers specialising in energy management. Our experts are well-versed in carbon footprints, achieving climate neutrality, ISO 50001 energy management standards, energy management software, and internal audits. We're here to help you tailor ISO 50001 to meet your unique needs—an energy management system that aligns with your objectives. Your approach to using, overseeing, and tracking energy consumption and carbon emissions is distinct from that of your competitors. We help you adapt your existing systems, guiding you through each step of the implementation process.


ISO 50001 certification might sound daunting due to the association with audits and bureaucracy. However, it's not as complex as it may seem. A US study discovered that companies achieving ISO 50001 certification saw an average 10% savings in just 18 months, with 75% of these savings being low-cost measures that didn't require significant investments. Embracing ISO 50001 can help create a sustainable business with continuous improvements, delivering long-term benefits.