
With CoolPlanet, reaching your goals is as easy as setting them

Become the decarbonisation expert in your organisation without the steep learning curve.

  • Find quick wins on energy savings
  • Roadmap to success based on your data and needs
  • Continuous help throughout your journey

Accelerate your sustainability journey

Uncover your next most valuable steps towards cost savings and a greener business.

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Plan achievable energy and emissions improvements

Reduce the stress, anxiety, and time your busy engineers spend.

Get help from trusted experts to

  • Identify quick efficiency wins
  • Create a sustainability plan specific to your needs
  • Guide you throughout planning and implementation

Free your team to focus on their core objectives while knowing your sustainability projects are in hand. Speak with an energy consultant today.

Working with CoolPlanet, we have made significant energy and carbon emissions savings in Louis Dreyfus Company’s (LDC) Ponta Grossa plant, in Brazil. Meinrad Bürer Global Carbon Technical Director, Louis Dreyfus Company
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Planning your net zero roadmap

Pinpoint where you are on your journey and how to reach your net zero destination.

Using real-time data, CoolPlanet becomes an extension of your team with a plan based on your unique processes and challenges.

Find out more about the analytics software driving data-backed optimisations and cost savings.

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Minimise downtime and maximise energy efficiency

Maintain sufficient energy supply and minimise risks to output and uptime.

You don’t need to go it alone. Our experts have been decarbonising businesses like yours for over 15 years.

Get visibility from every machine, process and location. And with the resources to install changes on-site, you'll know how to turn your roadmap into a reality.

Working with CoolPlanet, we have made significant energy and carbon emissions savings in Louis Dreyfus Company’s (LDC) Ponta Grossa plant, in Brazil.

Meinrad Bürer Global Carbon Technical Director, Louis Dreyfus Company

Customer success stories

See how CoolPlanet clients are overcoming their biggest decarbonisation challenges with help from our experts.

How a UK-based brewery saved £285k annually through improved energy efficiency

Case Study

How a UK-based brewery saved £285k annually through improved energy efficiency

A UK-based brewing company achieved annual energy savings of £5,480 per week through refrigeration reconfiguration and adjustments to heating and cooling.

Food and beverages

Commercial Building Operator Saved €1.1m in Energy Costs

Case Study

Commercial Building Operator Saved €1.1m in Energy Costs

Achieve energy savings even with a low volume of data points. In this case, €1.1m in savings were realised for a commercial building operator using just two data points.

Commercial real estate

Absorption Chiller technology creates €267,375 in savings

Case Study

Absorption Chiller technology creates €267,375 in savings

By utilising waste energy more efficiently with absorption chiller technology, CoolPlanet achieved €267,375 in savings and improved product quality at an edible oils plant.

Food and beverages