Commercial Building Operator Saved €1.1m in Energy Costs

Posted in Commercial real estate


Energy savings of nearly £1 million (€1.1 million) were achieved by carrying out a thorough analysis of mains gas and electricity data. Along with this, the operational hours of the buildings were taken into account, and heating degree days were created for each location. Subsequently, baseline models were developed, and predictive models were constructed to anticipate how much energy a building should consume based on ambient conditions.

Analysis of electricity consumption

CoolPlanet's decarbonisation software - CoolPlanetOS - calculated the baseload electricity consumption of the building and omitted it from any further calculations. It then analysed the energy consumption outside of operational times and identified an excess of energy being consumed. A night audit was performed by CoolPlanet to discover the areas where actions could be implemented to reduce energy use. These changes could then be visualised, and savings could be made tangible once these modifications were implemented.

Analysis of gas consumption

A similar process was followed for the analysis of mains gas consumption. Besides conducting an operational analysis, heating degree days were generated and utilised to create modelled outputs. This information allowed for the implementation of new control strategies for the heating systems. The impact of these strategies was then visible on the platform.

Comparison with building-specific benchmarks

With merely two data points, CoolPlanetOS can also compare the building under review with building-specific benchmarks, such as those set by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). This involves generating a live Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the building, comparing energy usage versus the building's footprint, and juxtaposing the actual consumption with what could be achievable.

See monetary and carbon savings immediately

Once CoolPlanetOS is in place, our clients are immediately able to see the minimum amount of monetary and carbon savings available. This valuable insight enables them to take swift action in their sustainability efforts.

Moreover, CoolPlanetOS can generate high-level carbon dashboards with just these two data points.

If additional data on significant energy users is available, more in-depth analysis can be performed. This allows for further energy and carbon reductions. Examples include HVAC optimisation, refrigeration system optimisation, boiler optimisation, refrigeration M&V, and heat pump M&V. These measures were all achieved through control changes, without the need for any capital expenditure (CAPEX).


In summary, significant savings can be made by controlling the operational hours of a building and managing consumption outside of operation. This includes Scope 1 reductions from simple boiler control, and Scope 2 reductions from simple control measures implemented after an audit has taken place outside operational hours. Additional savings at the asset level can be obtained from an increased amount of data points, enabling further optimisation of HVAC and boiler systems.