Latest research in industrial decarbonisation

Discover the best opportunities for reducing emissions without impacting the productivity of businesses.

A Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Heat Pump Technology


A Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Heat Pump Technology

Industrial heat pumps can use renewable energy from the air, water or ground but also waste energy from buildings and processes to provide you with heating and cooling.

Demystifying Decarbonisation


Demystifying Decarbonisation

Decarbonising industry? It's been made to sound daunting. But we mustn’t mistake a challenge for impossibility. The solution is sitting right in front of us.

How to Reach Net Zero Emissions


How to Reach Net Zero Emissions

Get actionable steps your business can take to hit net zero. This is a step-by-step guide to reaching net zero emissions.

Addressing Real Estate Sustainability Challenges


Addressing Real Estate Sustainability Challenges

Explore the evolving landscape of real estate sustainability with a focus on energy efficiency.

How Energy Management Systems get Commercial Buildings to Net Zero


How Energy Management Systems get Commercial Buildings to Net Zero

Green buildings are experiencing a surge in demand. In this report, discover how energy management systems help commercial buildings go green and get to net zero.

3 Steps to efficient refrigeration systems


3 Steps to efficient refrigeration systems

Our guide to more efficient refrigeration systems in your brewery

3 steps to processing heaven


3 steps to processing heaven

You may be leaving millions of dollars on the table through inefficiencies. The good news? Up to 30% of these losses can be quickly and easily reclaimed with minimal capex.

5 ways to save money on your refrigeration systems


5 ways to save money on your refrigeration systems

The good news? Refrigeration systems can be optimised for significant savings with little capex.

How to optimize biomass boiler performance with continuous fuel analysis


How to optimize biomass boiler performance with continuous fuel analysis

Fuel specification and the ongoing studying of fuel is essential for optimizing efficiencies and reducing operational costs of a biomass boiler.

How commercial buildings can minimise carbon emissions


How commercial buildings can minimise carbon emissions

Commercial building operators have to minimise carbon emissions, and maximise their bottom line; with accurate data and advanced analytics, the job becomes much easier.

Harnessing Demand Side Response: Earn revenue from your energy assets


Harnessing Demand Side Response: Earn revenue from your energy assets

CoolPlanet, in conjunction with our partner Powerhouse Generation Ltd, operates as a Demand Response Aggregator across Ireland.

3 ways to optimise energy efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


3 ways to optimise energy efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Pharma is an industry of excess. On one hand, you have obscenely high prices, and on the other hand, there’s obscenely high costs. Optimise, don’t compromise.

Energy efficiency distilled


Energy efficiency distilled

Distilling is a very energy intensive industry. Here are 4 ways distilleries can save money on energy

Is compressed air compressing your bottom line?


Is compressed air compressing your bottom line?

There are plenty of opportunities to maximise efficiency and save energy (and money). Here are 5 things we think should be at the top of your list for the next steps:

Furnace efficiency in glass container production


Furnace efficiency in glass container production

As the furnace is the largest energy consumer on a glass production site, understanding their performance and where to optimise is critical for reducing carbon emissions.