For Leadership

Lead the way to sustainability

CoolPlanet partners with you and your employees to help reach your net zero goals.

Decarbonising the world's leading organisations

The world produces 407m tonnes of plastic yearly, 30% more than the weight of humanity.*

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Decarbonisation partners

Get the buy-in you need to meet your targets

As a sustainability leader, you know there’s more to energy efficiency than box-ticking.

Our experts work with you and your colleagues at every step. From education to planning, implementation and goal optimisation. Everything you need to make a real impact.

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Energy Analytics

Turn sustainability ambitions into proven reality

No approximations, no guesswork.

Help everyone see their impact on your targets so your whole business pulls towards the same goal without putting extra strain on resources and budgets.

Get instant, accurate analytics on energy and cost savings for everyone from plant room to boardroom.


Sustainability education

Educate your entire organisation on sustainability

As a sustainability leader, you know it takes more than reducing single-use plastics or a single solar array to make an impact.

You need everyone to know what’s at stake and the role they play without the headache or expense of a huge change comms project.

CoolPlanet’s Rewrite educational program does it for you.

Working with CoolPlanet, we have made significant energy and carbon emissions savings in Louis Dreyfus Company’s (LDC) Ponta Grossa plant, in Brazil.

Meinrad Bürer Global Carbon Technical Director, Louis Dreyfus Company

Customer success stories

See how CoolPlanet clients are overcoming their biggest decarbonisation challenges with help from our experts.

How a UK-based brewery saved £285k annually through improved energy efficiency

Case Study

How a UK-based brewery saved £285k annually through improved energy efficiency

A UK-based brewing company achieved annual energy savings of £5,480 per week through refrigeration reconfiguration and adjustments to heating and cooling.

Food and beverages

Commercial Building Operator Saved €1.1m in Energy Costs

Case Study

Commercial Building Operator Saved €1.1m in Energy Costs

Achieve energy savings even with a low volume of data points. In this case, €1.1m in savings were realised for a commercial building operator using just two data points.

Commercial real estate

Absorption Chiller technology creates €267,375 in savings

Case Study

Absorption Chiller technology creates €267,375 in savings

By utilising waste energy more efficiently with absorption chiller technology, CoolPlanet achieved €267,375 in savings and improved product quality at an edible oils plant.

Food and beverages

From the blog

A round up of our best masterclasses on decarbonisation from 2023


A round up of our best masterclasses on decarbonisation from 2023

A round up of our best masterclasses on decarbonisation from 2023

Demystifying Decarbonisation


Demystifying Decarbonisation

Decarbonising industry? It's been made to sound daunting. But we mustn’t mistake a challenge for impossibility. The solution is sitting right in front of us.

CCS meaning: Quick guide to carbon capture and storage


CCS meaning: Quick guide to carbon capture and storage

CCS Meaning: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology has the potential to store carbon before it ever enters the atmosphere; here it is explained.

Reducing Carbon Emissions in Food & Drink Processing


Reducing Carbon Emissions in Food & Drink Processing

In this masterclass, we learn how the food and drink industry is moving towards net zero with real-world case studies.