Understanding Deep Decarbonisation

Posted in Leadership on Nov 25 2022, by Hollie McHughHollie McHugh

What does deep decarbonisation mean?

Deep decarbonisation refers to the progressive phase-out of carbon-emitting fuels (coal, oil and gas) in favour of more environmentally friendly alternatives. Deep decarbonisation is much more than a band-aid solution to the climate crisis. It is a strategic, lengthy approach that allows us longer on the earth.

To accomplish deep decarbonisation, we must reimagine how we source and use energy, as well as make a significant transition to renewables and commit to carbon management practices to reduce our carbon footprint.

The ideal method to deep decarbonisation is one which focuses on reducing carbon emissions step by step by looking at your organisation's energy efficiency, decarbonisation of energy and switching from fossil fuels to electric-powered sources.

The Deep Decarbonisation Pathways (DDP)

The Deep Decarbonisation Pathways (DDP) initiative strives to bring together 36 in-country research scientists from reputable and independent institutes. The goal is to assist governments in establishing deep decarbonisation solutions with the aim of a carbon-neutral future.

The (DDP) project unites energy specialists and academics from all around the world to offer realistic strategies for lowering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in order to remain underneath the 2°C limit by 2050.

Where Do We Go From Here? What Are the Requirements for the Transition?

Climate change requires immediate attention. The first step in achieving this goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Improving the efficiency of your process will almost always tip the scale in the right direction.

CoolPlanet can assist you in identifying and implementing immediate, measurable changes through:

We can provide you with energy optimisation software (CoolPlanetOS) and the skills that go with it to your firm. Our energy experts recognise that you can't separate processes from consumption, and they can help you save money. Our platform enables you to collect and analyse energy data in real time while making it accessible to all stakeholders.

Equipment should be replaced with more efficient designs (e.g. coal boiler to gas fired CHP - a more efficient boiler).

Assisting you in improving the efficiency of your procedures (e.g. installing a heat pump to reuse waste heat).

Adopting techniques and solutions (commercial battery storage, commercial LED lighting, and solar farms, to name a few) that can minimise your power cost while also assisting you in better integrating your facility into the future's more volatile, but greener, power grid.

Our engineering and process team can assist you in identifying and implementing solutions. Schedule a call with one of our energy experts today to discuss more.