Operations Content

Welcome to the Operations section of the CoolPlanet blog, your hub for the latest insights on decarbonisation and energy efficiency tailored for professionals in operations.

How commercial buildings can minimise carbon emissions


How commercial buildings can minimise carbon emissions

Commercial building operators have to minimise carbon emissions, and maximise their bottom line; with accurate data and advanced analytics, the job becomes much easier.

Harnessing Demand Side Response: Earn revenue from your energy assets


Harnessing Demand Side Response: Earn revenue from your energy assets

CoolPlanet, in conjunction with our partner Powerhouse Generation Ltd, operates as a Demand Response Aggregator across Ireland.

What is a Carbon Budget?


What is a Carbon Budget?

A carbon budget is the sum amount of CO2 emissions allowed during a certain time period in order to remain below a predetermined temperature limit.

3 ways to optimise energy efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


3 ways to optimise energy efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Pharma is an industry of excess. On one hand, you have obscenely high prices, and on the other hand, there’s obscenely high costs. Optimise, don’t compromise.

Energy efficiency distilled


Energy efficiency distilled

Distilling is a very energy intensive industry. Here are 4 ways distilleries can save money on energy

Data Management: 5 Ways To Turn Your Data Into Meaningful Insights


Data Management: 5 Ways To Turn Your Data Into Meaningful Insights

CoolPlanetOS allows you to optimise energy and processes and drive efficiencies.