Vinicius Miras

Vinicius Miras

Dev Ops Engineer at CoolPlanet

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil. I attended the Centro Universitário da FEI in São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, where I studied Electrical Engineering and gained my BA Honours Degree. During that time, I took part in a student exchange program and spent 30 days in Toronto, Canada. Even though I completed my Degree in Electrical Engineering I’ve never worked as an engineer.

My father worked as an IT developer and as a child he encouraged me to learn more about computers. From there, I would help him in assembling computers and then in high school we had an option to do some work experience with a professional, so I chose electronics. From there, I got my first job as a trainee in a very small IT company. I would work during the day and go to University in the evenings. By the time I finished my degree I had already established a career in IT and I made the decision to keep working in the industry.

I first came to Ireland in 2010. It was my first big adventure outside of Brazil and my first experience living abroad. I knew I always wanted to live outside of Brazil and try something new. I had no commitments and it seemed like the right time. I came to Ireland on a student visa for one year to improve my English. It was kind of like a holiday. I got to experience so many new and exciting things. At that time, I was living in Dun Laoghaire, it's a really lovely place.

Where did you work prior to joining CoolPlanet?

Before CoolPlanet I was working for Allianz insurance group. This was my entry back into IT work here in Ireland. It’s a very big company, I did enjoy it and everyone was very nice.

What does your job entail?

My role in CoolPlanet has changed over time. I am now working as Dev Ops and working alongside the CoolPlanetOS team. In a nutshell, it is taking care of the software infrastructure and keeping it running smoothly and safe.

What is the hardest part of your job?

There is so much to learn, there is always new technology being introduced and developed. The hardest part is to keep evolving and keep up with the new technology trends. It keeps me busy, there is no comfort zone in IT.

What do you enjoy most about working for CoolPlanet?

For me, it’s the freedom within the company and the open space for us to learn and to keep evolving. It’s the empowerment and challenge of the company as well. At CoolPlanet, I am always learning something new so it keeps my job interesting.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I don’t remember having any real wishes to be one thing. I do know that I always had an interest in technology and was curious about it. I was intrigued to understand how things worked and operated. I do think that shaped my career path.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

My latest hobby is race driving simulators. I really enjoy playing the game. It’s good craic! I also love Mario Kart! I do enjoy doing some DIY around the house at home.

What are three interesting things about you?

  1. I really enjoy cooking one of my favourite dishes to make is lasagne (with garlic bread to dip).
  2. I like to play video games. I have more games than I actually have time to play.
  3. I am definitely a DIY type of person.