Rachel  Peake

Rachel Peake

Operations Administrator at CoolPlanet

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I was born and raised in Wicklow Town and currently reside in Ashford. I studied computer science in college, but after two years, I realised this wasn’t the right career path. Unsure of what to do next, I got a job at a local cafe and was named supervisor within six months. After working in the café, I moved into Marketing & Operations and Telesales (which wasn't for me; the cold calls were a nightmare!), then into demand planning (Where I found my love of spreadsheets)

I always thought I'd eventually go back to college, but I've learned about myself over the years that I learn on the job and absorb things much quicker when I'm actively engaged in the work. In sink-or-swim situations, I tend to thrive in the deep end.

Life before CoolPlanet?

Before joining Cool Planet in September 2022. I worked in Demand Planning, Sales, Marketing and operations, and hospitality.

What does your job entail?

As an Operations Administrator, my job involves various tasks including raising purchase orders for the different teams in Cool Planet and vetting and setting up various suppliers and customers on the system. I manage the supplier data ensuring all documents are always up to date and providing support to the teams on all our different sites.

What do you enjoy most about working at CoolPlanet?

The company culture. It’s definitely like nowhere I have worked before. Everyone is so friendly and helpful and of course, the views of one of the most beautiful gardens in the world don’t hurt either.

Interesting things about yourself?

  • I played the saxophone in school.
  • I’m obsessed with succulents and Cactus plants (My home is overrun with them!)
  • I love travelling. I am currently planning a trip to Nashville at the end of next year

What is your life's mantra?

“Make the list. Do the list”