Efe  Gurbuzer

Efe Gurbuzer

Project Engineer at CoolPlanet

Tell us a bit about yourself ?

I was born and raised in Turkey. After completing my Bachelor Science of Energy Engineering in Turkey, I started to work as an engineer in different sectors. Then I came to Ireland where I completed my masters degree in Energy Management at Technological University Dublin.

I have always had an interest in the English language since I was a kid, and I still do, and I thought I was good (until I heard the Irish accent). I have dreamed of living abroad for many years, but I could not achieve it. Then I told myself, go big or go home and I committed to one of the most radical decisions of my life by studying my masters program in Ireland and now making it my second home, sharing the pride of doing amazing work with amazing people.

Where did you work prior to joining CoolPlanet?

After graduation, I worked as an engineer for 4 years. In these 4 years, I worked as a project engineer in a natural gas pipeline project, as a process engineer in a tyre company, and finally as an energy engineer in a company that installed solar power plants. I believe that working in different sectors and positions gave me the ability to think from different perspectives and that helped me to come up with alternative solutions to engineering problems. Now I am doing the job that I dreamed of since my university years at CoolPlanet.

What does your job entail?

I am involved in the operations part of the process. As a project engineer in CoolPlanet, my role covers tasks in wide and various areas such as ensuring coordination between the field and office, planning the entire process from the first moment of the project to delivery, being in constant contact with customers and subcontractors, ensuring that health and safety measures are taken and etc.

What do you enjoy most about working for CoolPlanet?

  • Great people
  • Great culture and
  • Great Place to Work (Officially!)

Apart from these, witnessing all of the projects we've completed to help cool the planet is priceless. And is the best part of what we do everyday.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Like most children, I would dream of becoming a pilot. In fact, after graduating from the university, I even joined the Turkish Airlines' qualification. Then I was eliminated in the health interview, which I never expected. Although it was nothing to serious, they were looking for a 100% perfect human. Of course, engineering was something that was always on my mind, so I took the risk and happily found myself in the energy sector.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

You can find me in the swimming pool every weekday when I am not on the site. Apart from that, spending weekends with my friends, playing instruments for hours, or making amateur videos.

In the meantime, I'm trying to return to the tennis court after 2 years, maybe you can see me in upcoming tournaments.

What keeps you motivated ?

Witnessing the transition of projects from paper to real life and considering the benefits of that project, not only to our clients but to the world is one of the things that keep me motivated. In addition to this, learning new things about my job every day and being able to learn something new is also my other source of motivation.

What are three interesting things about you?

  • I am a motor yacht captain.
  • I professionally play ukulele and sing as an amateur.
  • I am a rescue scuba diver.

What is your life mantra?

This is from a TED talk by Amy Cuddy, which I highly recommend everyone to watch. I can't exactly call it my mantra, but I think it has inspired me a lot and helped me most of the time in my life. “Fake it till you make it.”