Craig Needham

Craig Needham

Director - CRE CoolPlanetOS at CoolPlanet

Tell us a bit about yourself ?

I was born and raised in Derbyshire, UK, where I now live with my amazing and incredibly supportive wife and a very energetic 3 year old little boy.

I left school at 16 being one of the youngest within the year. I had a few GCSEs but after that have never studied for any other qualifications. On reflection I realise my brain works in a very peculiar way, so the formal education process has never really worked for me.  I learn by immersing myself into a subject and being out of my comfort zone.

Where did you work prior to joining CoolPlanet?

I was CEO for Horizon Building Intelligence Group working within an amazing team developing smart building tech.  We were fortunate enough to be integral in delivering the UK's award-winning smartest building in 2021.

What does your job entail?

Talking, loads! We have an amazing story that clients really engage with but then it's also great to just listen to what our clients have to say. With the CoolPlanet team we support stakeholders within Commercial Real Estate to help decarbonise their facilities and the exciting thing is there are always opportunities to deliver value!

What do you enjoy most about working for CoolPlanet?

Throughout my career it has been the team who define a business and make working at a business enjoyable.  The positive and collaborative attitudes of the people really shine through at CoolPlanet. No matter what everyone greets you with a smile which encapsulates not only their attitude, but also how much they enjoy being a part of the CoolPlanet team.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I always envisaged being a pilot although as I have got older it no longer feels as glamorous and exciting as it once did.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Embrace risk and don't fear failure.  I am naturally an emotive person so I take things to heart and stress about everything.  It would be great to tell my younger self not to sweat the small stuff and enjoy the moments.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I absolutely love cars and can spend hours reading and researching about them much to my wife's frustration! Living in the Peak District is great for  walking and getting out into nature plus lots of country pubs to socialise with friends and family. We also love to travel and enjoy touring Europe and especially enjoy driving around the mountain passes in the Swiss Alps.

What keeps you motivated?

My family.

What are three interesting things about you?

  • I have arachnophobia
  • I love to sail but I am scared of the sea
  • I am naturally an introvert so have to push myself each day to put myself out there

What is your life mantra?

It's not easy and takes genuine effort but control the controllables and accept the things you can not control.