Aoife Dempsey

Aoife Dempsey

Business Development Manager at CoolPlanet

Aoife Dempsey is a business development manager at CoolPlanet, responsible for generating new business opportunities and expanding the company’s customer base.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I studied Commerce and French in Dublin City University. I completed an Erasmus year at Kedge Business School in Bordeaux, France, as part of my course. After finishing college, I headed back to France to work as a brand ambassador for Jameson, promoting the brand in Rennes.

I am currently studying for a Masters in Sustainable Development at UCD. It is linked very closely with the UN and we are lectured by a lot of people who work with the UN. I signed up to the programme as I wanted to up-skill and get into sustainable development.

Where did you work prior to CoolPlanet?

I worked with Jameson on their Graduate programme in France. It was a really good experience as it was field-based. I was the eyes and ears of the Jameson brand on the ground in Rennes. I wanted to move into sales, so joined Oracle as a business development consultant and worked with them for a year before moving to CoolPlanet.

What does your job entail?

It involves finding new business for CoolPlanet, and building relationships with prospective clients over LinkedIn, email, phone calls and video. I spend my days listening to what customers want and need with regard to energy savings and carbon management and reduction and identifying suitable solutions for them. Every day is slightly different but they all involve different forms of outreach to new customers.

What are your favourite software tools?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is my go-to tool for every day. Vidyard is also a cool and new way to reach prospective customers, especially during Covid, as it makes outreach personal. I also use Hubspot a lot.

What is the hardest part of your job?

Probably like most sales development reps, it is getting people to speak with you initially, but it makes the conversations you do have all the sweeter.

What keeps you motivated and driven on a daily basis?

The overall mission of the company to cool the planet is extremely compelling. I also think that when you work in a team like CoolPlanet you can really feel the difference it makes when you do a good job.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love the outdoors and fitness. Most evenings you will find me doing some kind of sport or class in the gym. I recently took up boxing so we will see how that goes. Whenever I get a chance, I really enjoy travelling and experiencing different cultures. I am also doing a masters at the moment so that takes up a lot of my spare time.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Learn something from everyone you meet.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a vet when I grew up – that was before I realised I wasn’t good with blood or guts so that probably wouldn’t work. I actually took a year out after my leaving cert and worked for the year in different roles and went to France before choosing my course to make sure that it was right for me. I am happy I did as I enjoyed every second of the course and really enjoy working in business.

What is your life mantra?

I love a quote by André Gide – ‘Man cannot discover new oceans unless he first has the courage to lose sight of the shore’.