Alan  Hill

Alan Hill

IT Manager at CoolPlanet

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I joined the Irish Defence Forces straight from finishing secondary school. I spent 11 years there, 3 years of which I was on leave of absence and spent some time in America. I worked in IT for most of my time with the Defence Forces where I kind of realised this was something that I really liked doing and could make a career out of.

Where did you work prior to joining CoolPlanet?

I worked as a contractor for a year contracted to Google, moving from a public sector environment and into something a lot bigger. It really opened my eyes to how large firms operated. It was a really great experience. As it was a contract, I really wanted to find something similar more permanent. That's when I came across CoolPlanet.

What does your job entail?

My day-to-day job involves a wide range of tasks and responsibilities. I’m responsible for installing and configuring computer systems for end users, troubleshooting technical issues, and providing technical support to everyone. Additionally, I often work on managing and organising data, as well as ensuring that the technology used by CoolPlanet is secure. Overall, my job involves using technology to help the organisation operate more efficiently and effectively.

What do you enjoy most about working for CoolPlanet?

Definitely the company culture but more the people itself. It's really hard to describe. It’s really like nowhere else I’ve ever worked before. Everyone is so friendly and supportive and never short of lending a hand if it's needed, also what's not to like about helping the planet?

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to join the Defence Forces from a young age. I was lucky enough to achieve that and experience life a little bit different to the norm.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love sports and fitness. It's a great release especially after being behind a desk for most of the day. I’m addicted to testing my body (definitely not in the moment I always question it). I also love playing around with new tech and gadgets and sometimes some gaming if I can find the time.

What keeps you motivated?

Curiosity and problem solving but also the ever-evolving technology industry. It evolves so fast so keeping up is vital to continue being able to support end users.

What are three interesting things about you?

  1. I lived and worked in the US for a few years working as a lighting technician (roadie) with Eric Clapton and WWE.
  2. I have a UN international decoration award from the United Nations for serving six months in Lebanon in 2014 with the Defence Forces.
  3. I represented Ireland at the Euronations archery event for 3 consecutive years.

What is your life mantra?

Turn it off and on again.